The original board game Funny You Should Ask was invented by professional comedian Danny Acapella, beloved wedding singer Sean Mullane, and amateur entertainment critic Lisa Anne Joney between the years of 1988 and 1993.
Brought to market at Christmas 1993, Funny You Should Ask quickly sold over 1,600 copies in its first month. In 1994, Funny You Should Ask went national — being played by radio stations across Canada and sold from coast to coast. (Well, almost coast to coast. We couldn’t get anybody east of Ontario, but still.)
In 1995, we hit the jackpot when Funny You Should Ask was licensed by Spears Games of Australia. (Actually, it was 1994, but I want this to sound sequential.) Spears sold over 3,700 copies in its first year, having the game played on radio stations in both Melbourne and Brisbane. In 1995, Spears was purchased by Mattel Corporation, which could have been really good, but Mattel said, “No, we don’t sell licensed games.” (So if you have an Australian copy, it’s probably worth a million dollars.)
Compared to the likes of Scattergories, Balderdash, and Pictionary, Funny You Should Ask has been featured in the Calgary Sun, Vancouver Province, Edmonton Journal, Toronto’s Globe and Mail, and Maclean’s magazine. And today we are going viral, offering Funny You Should Ask on the Internet for absolutely free, no charge, nada. (Yes, Virginia, there really are nice people.)
And this brings us back to you. You are hereby bound to play Funny You Should Ask with all of your friends or you’ll be banned from any possibility of an afterlife. (Sorry, but we simply must get the word out.)
Enjoy. We love you. (Smiley face.)